Sonntag, 7. September 2014

Sunday morning dessert

Bright and sweet: Halva (with green tea)

I say Welcome to my new readers, I'm glad, that your are here 

Have a bright and sweet day all :-)

10 Kommentare:

  1. Absolutely gorgeous photos, Masha.....yum Halva, mmmm. Your begonia flowers are stunning, aren't they beautiful colour. You are a superb photographer...thanks for sharing with OBW, cheers Robyn (might have to try jam in my tea!)

  2. All that seems so tasty , and inviting ! Yum !
    Have a nice sunday !

  3. I had never heard of Halva ... Looked it up on Google though ... I love your photos ... Thanks so much for sharing at Our Beautiful World!! Have a lovely day!

  4. What a fantastic place to have Sunday breakfast. Very idyllic!

  5. I don't know what halva is, but the first photo is amazing! Love your table-scape!

  6. What is halva Mascha, your breakfast table looks lovely; have a nice Sunday; happy you linked up at my blog

    much love...

  7. Halva is a sweetness from Orient and East Europe, it is popular in Germany too.
    I have made a link

  8. Lovely morning sweets, thanks for sharing with us at Our Beautiful World!

  9. Hoping your day has be sweet,
    Greeting from Belgium.

    Honors costumes Opera with the textiles museum of Lyon

    Mons in Belgium My city

  10. Enjoy and thanks for sharing with us at "OBW"


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