Samstag, 20. September 2014

Malt mill

100 years ago it was a malt mill.
50 years ago it was a music school.
The whole house was filled with sounds.
As a child I've often looked out of these windows...
Now it is abandoned and no one looks out
and no sound is in it...
Only the steam train runs over and wraps it in its noise.

11 Kommentare:

  1. oh, if only someone would give it life once again! love the shadows against the color and texture of the building.

  2. Eine traurige Wahrheit. Ich hoffe eines Tages erblickt das Haus einen neuen Anfang.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. A sad but still so very beautiful building. It needs some loving urgently. The beautiful sunlight on it is leading the way.

  4. thanks for link up, at Lunch break however i have just only finished editing the post for today, your link went into last week's linky please come back ad add it to this week's linky

    have a nice Sunday

    much love...

  5. the present state is filled with sadness, but what wonderful memories; thanks for returning and linking to today's post at Lunch Break

    have a good week

    much love...

  6. It's got a lot of charm - I hope that someone comes and fills it back up with happier sounds! Thanks for sharing your memories with us :)

  7. What a shame, I hope someone comes along to reinvigorate it.

  8. What a beautiful building, it's such a shame that it's in disrepair, let's hope it gets some life back in it. Popping in from Magic Moments.

  9. I love your narrative of this memorable place. I do hope someone comes along to restore it.


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