Sonntag, 21. September 2014


We have no large rivers in our area.
We live in the mountains, where little rivers begin.
Through the town are flowing only two small streams.
Small streams you can find also in the forest.
I often dream of being by a large river...
But walk beside rippling water is always nice.

At last I've chosen a song: "The river is Flowing" by Gila Antara

13 Kommentare:

  1. That's awesome too, thanks for sharing with us at Our Beautiful World!

  2. Liebe Mascha,
    nun sind die Manteltage bei Dir auch angebrochen. Hübsch siehst Du aus in Hut und Fellmantel.
    Die kleinen Flüße fließen in den großen Strom, dieser ins Meer. Begleite sie in Deinen Träumen.
    Lieben Gruß

    1. Nein nein, das Bild ist uralt! Ich habe nur im Archiv nach Flusz-Bilkdern suchen müssen (und nix andres gefunden zum heutigen Thema)
      Bis gestern waren die Temperaturen hier noch recht sommerlich, wenn auch trübes Wetter.
      Schönen Sonntag Dir

  3. Hi Mascha, beautiful stream in the woods! And love the song you chose, it's beautiful.

  4. Hi Mascha, gorgeous photos - always nice to walk by the water of a small stream or large rushing river...peaceful to me. Cheers and enjoy your week Robyn

  5. Eine tolle, kühle, Herbstatmosphäre in deinen Bildern. Einfach Traumhaft!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  6. thanks for link up, at Lunch break however i have just only finished editing the post for today, your link went into last week's linky please come back ad add it to this weeks linky

    have a nice Sunday

    much love...

  7. Mascha, it's beautiful! Your post reminded me about one short story I wrote last year. I posted it just for you. :)

  8. Enjoyed the lovely photos, and music, thanks for returning and linking to today's post at Lunch Break; have a nice Sunday

    much love...

  9. Very glad I stopped by. Leaving with a wonderful feeling after reading your piece.

  10. schöne Waldimpressionen von einem Spaziergang im Wald, danke fürs mitmachen bei "OBW"

  11. I love your photos! You have a beautiful country which I hope one day to visit! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Our Beautiful World!!


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