Montag, 22. September 2014

The color of Hibiscus - a memory

Many years ago I had clothes in the color of Hibiscus. 
It was early 1990 levels.
 From that old time are these photos.
I loved the color then, but today I have nothing more of it in my closet.
Now I ask myself why?

Posted for Spy Girls 52-Pick-me-up

Shared with Creative Mondays Rubbish Tuesday (it's such a famous old house) 

PS: here you can see my photos from the old laundry room in this house.

10 Kommentare:

  1. That's a gorgeous dress on you, Mascha! I really like these photos. You are a very artistic person - so many ways to express yourself! xxx

  2. Sehr schön liebe Mascha.
    Du hattest wirklich tolle lange Haare. Aber deine kurze Frisur steht dir genauso gut.

    Liebe Grüessli

    Der Brief ist am Samstag abgeschickt worden. :-)

  3. Liebe Mascha,
    so feenhaft saßt Du einmal aus! Ganz schöne Bilder sind das.
    Lieben Gruß

  4. Nice arty shots! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  5. Now that's one amazing place for a photo shoot! Love the dress color. I have a shirt that color. Think I'll wear it to work today. Thanks for joining in!

  6. I like that color and your dress is very pretty. Have a wonderful day!

  7. Beautiful photos! Beautiful stone building. And I love the dress!

  8. Fun to see some old photos. The pink is very pretty on you! Thanks for linking. :-)

  9. Beautiful dress and pictures :) thanks for linking up to Creative Mondays, pinned and featuring your post this week..


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