Freitag, 5. September 2014

Last autumn...

Last autumn, it was a light hazy day
we climbed up to the castle.
From here you look out into the mountains and over the town.
I love this autumnal veil and was reminded of this images
because again this morning such haze is outside my window.
Again, this wonderful time begins ...

6 Kommentare:

  1. You live in such a beautiful place, it's amazing! Great pictures - truly inspiring!

  2. Fantastic Mascha, such spectacular views. And how lovely that I visited you if but in a dream ;) I wish it were a real visit :)

  3. It's beautiful; your autumn colors are a lot stronger than they are here in the San Francisco Bay Area. The red rooftops also add a punch of color.

  4. while you head to Autumn, we come to our spring in New Zealand.

  5. Really amazing images. Love the feeling of a fresh morning that comes through. Thank you for linking up with Friday My Town Shoot Out. Hope to see you back this Friday! Take care.

    Mersad Donko Photography


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