Freitag, 19. September 2014

Grand piano...

9 Kommentare:

  1. Ein geheimnisvoller Ort, in dem die Spiegelung im Flügel am deutlichsten erscheint - tolles Bild!

  2. I've never lived in a place with so much old architecture. I love the old shapes and details! I am amazed how much beauty is all around you - and you notice it and make such wonderful photographs! xxx

  3. What a beautiful set for a concerto... Nice choice of reflection for the week, Mascha.

  4. Wow! I could never take a decent shot in that little light, especially with light coming ina window! Yours is amazing! What gorgeous subject matter too. I am so impressed!!!

  5. Wow shoëne schlosz,Greeting from Belgium.

    Mons in Belgium My city

  6. I like the mood of this picture ! And reflections are beautiful !

  7. An atmospheric old room. Magical gleam of light and reflection on the piano.


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