Dienstag, 16. September 2014

Wordless - без слов -

12 Kommentare:

  1. Lovely photo and not forget craftsmanship.
    Thx for the visit at my place.

  2. Such an interesting image! I'm so glad you stopped by http://www.image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2014/09/elodie-farms.html to share, Mascha!

  3. Very nice art and very Interesting photo.

  4. What great statues!!! Love the necklaces!!

  5. Such a fascinating sidewalk shop! Love your photo! I envy you getting to eat German food every day! :-) I love trying different cuisine, though, representing so many different cultures. It can be quite an adventure!

  6. Great photo - you notice the heads first, and only later the jewellery they're displaying... Looks a fun shop :)

  7. Oh, I really like how you captured both the window display and the reflection of the building across the street. It looks like a collage. Wonderful.

  8. A great way to show off the jewelry!


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