Montag, 15. September 2014

Skirt or trousers?

Photgraphed by my love on our sunday walk for Share-in-Style

Shared with What I wore, Passion for Fashion,Visible Monday

17 Kommentare:

  1. What a fabulous piece! This could go either way I suppose, depending on what culture you're in! I wish I'd had a similar garment to wear when I traveled in Palestine and Israel a couple of years ago...maybe I could have avoided donning some of the coverups required to visit the mosques and other holy sites. I do love how you've fashioned this casually with the sweater, poncho, and boots. But I could also envision you dressing it up with a different top, shoes and accessories. I love the versatility of these Skrousers!

  2. there are some funny auto corrects in my comment above. I did NOT write "synthesis"

  3. I have two pair of these Pants/skirts that my son brought back for me from Thailand. I love them ... they are so comfortable and versatile. The style hasn't caught on in the midwest yet, but I have seen them in Switzerland so maybe it is the up and coming thing. Whatever, in style or not, I wear them because I love them. Your pictures are lovely ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thank you. Yes, my love makes nice pictures of me...
      In Germany we buy these clothing in Fair-trade-shops, they are made in India, Bangladesh or otherwere in help-projects.

  4. Ein tolles Outfit! Aber der Hintergrund gefällt mir auch sehr! :)

  5. I love your outfit. It is both elegant and edgy. Your photographs are very dreamy, as well.

  6. Beautiful. I would love to make those pants.

  7. You are such a stylish lady! I would love to have that talent.

    1. When I was a child, was forced to wear quite terrible clothes. Could I therefore do not feel comfortable and all the children laughed at me. Since I have always dreamed of clothes that I like.
      Well, I have realized the dream.
      It's my special joy (most of my clothing I findon flea markets or in a Charity depot...)

  8. Amazing as ever. you blend them to your taste.
    Thank you for being part of the share-inStyle family.

  9. Oh Mascha! I am totally in awe! Love everything about this artful, sophisticated outfit and the whole photosession - it's amazing! Love seeing your creativity blossoming! xxxx

  10. What an amazing, fabulous outfit! I love the architecture and textures of it.

  11. Your photos are fabulous. Your whole attire is so unusual, I can see your outfit suits your style!

  12. Uih das ist aber ein tolles Teil. Das wuerde ich auch anziehen.

  13. I love your combination of knits and colours! Seems so comfy and effortless.

    Rhia from


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