Samstag, 27. September 2014

Ballerina Mom

Whenever she stood in line at the bank,
or while waiting for the bus, I noticed her feet.
The right always in front & perpendicular to the left just so.
Even after 2 children, she still dreamed of being a dancer.

- storypeople -

9 Kommentare:

  1. I love this! So simple but effective. I love the colours and the story. Beautiful! Xo JJ

  2. Love, Love, Love this . . . . Thank you. -g-

  3. Love the story behind these photos and the vivid colours

  4. Lovely shoes and great capture! #sundayphoto

  5. Love this and the story

    Thank you for linking up

  6. Ohhh dancing shoes... just beautiful and the words add to the magic ;D
    Enjoy your Sunday evening Mascha

  7. What a treat to see this!! Loved it! Thank you.

  8. Lovely colors. I can never pull off clothes like this but on you they look so nice =) #mysundayphoto


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