Mittwoch, 30. März 2016

Creek in march

Creek in march all seems
still sleeping only water
is mumbling in spring sun

12 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful creek, nature will awake soon now!

  2. ...nur Wasser plätschert....das ist die beste Stille, die es geben kann! P.

  3. Wow, the water is so clear! I can imagine that it looks refreshing in the summer! By the way, how warm/hot does it get in the area where you live?

    Many thanks for being a part of SEASONS with these photos, and hope to "see" you back next week with your beautiful images! Have a great rest of the week!

    1. In last week wed had still -2° - +10° Celsius, now it's 5° and during the day it can stay 12°... in hottest summer we have sometimes 30°-37°, normally 15-25° Celsius in summertime

  4. I love little creeks like this one. They are so peaceful sounding.

  5. Auf TC-Site hast du "long" als Link für Tiny ingegeben ;-)

    Schöne bilder in diesen Beitrag ... habe ich trotzdem gefunden.

  6. thank you for adding your haiku, your song, your perfect flowing voice!


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