Dienstag, 22. März 2016

Русская азбука в песнях - Russian ABC in songs

Letter number 11 is K - it's the same like in Latin/English

K is for калина (kalina) - snowball bush/tree (viburnum)

Another K-word is красный (krasny') - red
In a figurative sense "красный" means "beautiful.
The "Red square" in Moscow (Красная площадь - Krasnaya ploshchad') is the "beautiful square" and, by the way, this designation did not invent the communists, it is older...

Today's song is Калина красная (Kalina krasnaya) - Beautiful snowball tree.

Калина красная,
Калина вызрела...
Я у залеточки
Характер вызнала.

Характер вызнала,
Характер ой, какой!

Я не уважила,
А он пошел с другой.

А он пошел с другой,
А я не спорила, -
Так, значит, он хорош,
А я не стоила!

А я пошла с другим,
Ему не верится:
Он подошел ко мне

Но не добился слов.
А я одно твержу:
Ты потерял любовь.

Ты потерял любовь,
Она найденная -
Другому мальчику

Ты потерял любовь,
И я уверенно
Другому мальчику


Beautiful snowball tree,
Snowball tree ripened ...
I have during the summer
Recognized a personality.

Recognized a personality,
Oh what a character !

I have not detained him,
And he went to the other.

And he went with the other,
I did not argue -
So, then, it is good,
And I was not worth!

And I went to another,
He can not believe it:
He came up to me
To make sure.

I make sure
But it is not made of words.
And I keep telling one:
You lost love.

You lost love,
And it was found
by another boy

You lost love,
And I'm convinced
that it's to another boy

The verse are folk poetry, revised by the poet Jevgeny' Sinizyn.

Music by Jan Frenkel.
Sings the woman Kwartet "Sovjet song"

This song was the favorite song of the writer, director and actor Vasily Shukshin (1929-1974) 
and he called his nouvel and his last movie with the same name.

This is a picture from the movie "Kalina Krasnaya" by Vasily Shukshin (1973)
He wrote the book, directed and played the lead role.
Today it's a little known movie, but I adore the work Vassíly Shukshin and of course I also own his books and a video-movie.

"A prisoner appeared after his release surprisingly by his letter-friendship, living in a small village to begin with her help a new life. Her family and the village community encounter the stranger with suspicion and fear. Too Lyuba, whose name from the Russian word Love is derived, is initially overwhelmed, but she gives Yegor work and a bed in their house. Yegor night overtures fail in the narrow wooden house, although the light sleeper the watchful grandmother, but hardly anyone seems to be able to interfere with the tender love of the two still . Yet one day appear Yegor's former cronies in the village and ask him to return. He refuses and they kill him. "

Here is the opening scene of the movie:

Written for Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC Wednesday

8 Kommentare:

  1. And every week again... my admiration grows for how much you know about this... for me quit extraordinary language, people and their historie

    Have a nice ABC-Wednesday-day / - week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (ABC-W-team)

  2. Ach wie furchtbar! Ich kenne diese Geschichte nicht.
    Wil, ABCW Team

  3. Love the lyrics but I would think the singer should sound happier to have found another love. Or maybe I'm not understanding it.

    abcw team

    1. Russian songs sonds often very sad and elegic... that's the soul of this nation -

  4. Mascha, you are wonderful! Yes, you are right about all of this - the ancient meaning of the word "red", the soul of the nation. May I add a couple of things? This is not a happy song - the girl still loves the first boy, and to revenge and make him suffer she goes with another boy. There are definitely some happy folk songs in Russian, but yes, many traditional songs are sad, and I don't think only in the Russian culture - I think it is quite universal, really.

    Communists took an advantage of the word "red" and did not rename many towns and other geographical places with the root "red" in them for that reason - they sounded very Communist, no need to change (Красноярск, for one, and of course Красная площадь as you said here). As you probably know, many towns were renamed to get rid of Tsar's names - Екатеринодар became Краснодар to sound more Communist, and so on.

    Shukshin was a wonderful, gifted writer, director and actor!

  5. Interesting movie..Thanks for sharing.

  6. good explanation of the derivation of Red Square



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