Freitag, 18. März 2016

First leaves...

18 Kommentare:

  1. There is something special about the first leaves budding.

  2. The first leaves or shoots always excites me. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. YES! Spring is coming! Pretty soon the roses will appear!

  4. such a hopeful shot; have a nice Saturday Mascha

    much love...

  5. Magical, blue-toned bokek highlighting the delightful macros of this plant.

  6. That third shot is gorgeous - a wonderful contrast of light and shade.

  7. Spring is full of so many joys and those first shoots are very special!

  8. What a wonderful sight! The first leaves are always a treasure.

  9. That fresh bright light green. Full of hope

  10. So tender - and so beautifully photographed.

  11. Würde auch gut zu meinem dieswöchigen Thema passen..., und da ich selbst unstet bin, warte ich mal, ob Du Dich wirklich komplett von mir zurückziehst.
    wenn Du mal alte Verlinkungen löschen möchtest, das geht ohne Probleme. falls Du mal das Gefühl hast, es an der Stelle nicht mehr zu wollen, wo es erscheint. Einfach auf das Papierkorb-Symbol drücken - und schwupps, die Selbstbestimmung greift!
    Hab einen schönen Tag, herzlich Pippa

  12. Such lush grens! Lovely shots, Mascha.
    Many thanks for participating in the Friday Greens meme. Happy Easter!

  13. So pretty! There's definitely something special about the first leaves.

  14. The first leaves are always very appreciated. I had a few tulips start to show their leaves in the garden, but then it got cold and icy so I'll need to be patient.


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