Dienstag, 1. März 2016

Русская азбука в песнях - Russian ABC in songs

The eighth letter is з

з is a tender "s" (in English written as "z")

з is for зима (zima) - winter
 The diminutive is зимушка (zimushka).
The Russians like diminutive for everything what is lovely and adorable.

 I've chosen  a folk song 
" Ах ты зимушка зимa" (Akh ty zimushka zima) - Winter, akh little winter
Sings Olga Voronez

Ах, ты, зимушка-зима,
Ты холодная была,
Э-эй, да люли,
Ты холодная была.

Ты холодная была,
Все дорожки замела, ох.

Все дорожки да все пути,
Негде милому пройти,
Э-эй, да люли,
Негде милому пройти.

Я дорожку да размету,
Сама к милому пойду.
Сама к милому пойду.

Меня милый подхватил,
В даль-сторонку укатил,
Э-эй, да люли,
В даль-сторонку укатил.

Ах, ты, зимушка-зима,
Ты холодная была,
Ты холодная была,
Все дорожки замела.


Akh, you winter little winter,
You were cold,
Hey, yeah ljuli,
You were cold.

You were cold,
All paths were swept oh.

All tracks so all the way,
My dear can go nowhere ,
Hey, yeah ljuli,
My dear can pass nowhere.

So I mark up a track
Go by myself to my dear.
Go by myself to my dear.

My beloved picked my up,
drove across the width with me,
Hey, yeah ljuli,
drove across the width with me.

Akh, you winter little winter,
You were cold,
You were cold,
All paths swept.

In the second video isn't a song, but a beautiful collection of winter paintings
by Fedot Vasilevych Sychkov (1887-1958)

Posted for Mrs. Nesbitts ABC Wednesday

2 Kommentare:

  1. Ich wünschte, ich würde verstehen worüber mann singt ;-)

    Have a nice ABC-Wednes-day / – week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  2. The RUSSIAN song reminds me of growing up in a Slavic neighborhood in Binghamton, NY



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