Dienstag, 15. März 2016

... before this all began

Wrapped around my son with only the knowledge
of the words of the world & a quiet remembrance
of watching before this all began

- storypeople -

18 Kommentare:

  1. Sehr liebevolle, wenn auch traurige Zusammenstellung!
    Hab einen guten Tag, liebe Mascha...
    wünscht Dir DIE PIPPA

  2. Oh wow, such a beautiful building! (or is it several buildings?) Great shots Mascha! And beautiful collages too. xx

    1. Several buildings. The first is the cathedral in Halberstadt, the second is another old building in Halberstadt, #3 is Church of St. John in Wernigerode, #4 is an old house in Osterwieck.

  3. OMG! Those buildings are simply works of aged art! I so love your beautifully collaged art pages too!
    x Suzy

  4. Wieder sehr begeistert und beeindruckt bin ich von deinen Bildern. liebe Mascha .
    die Collagen sind so schön und die erste berührt mich besonders.
    ♥liche Grüße und einen schönen Dienstag
    wünscht dir Jutta,
    bei der es zur Zeit wieder schneit und man meinen könnte Weihnachten steht vor der Tür brrrr

  5. Such beautiful collages , love the first one, shown. and the buildings are monuments of earlier life, better or worse than ours ? I don`t know.
    Dorthe, x

  6. wonderful work mascha and i love the photo with the windows!

  7. Mascha, I always look forward to your creative look on life, thank you so much! The beautiful worn buildings and your collages are treasures. Please hurry back.

  8. So many lovely photos and beautifully composed college pieces! I especially love the first one!

  9. I love your art, but I also love the architecture you show!

  10. I like the doors of this old church. Spectacular.

  11. I like the doors of this old church. Spectacular.

  12. Mascha, I love the old wallpaper ans cracked paint textures. Interesting juxtaposition with the other images in your collages...

  13. So much beautiful texture and color! I like your 'eye' for putting it all together: )
    Thank you for sharing~ Karen O

  14. Brillant mixture of texture and colors!

  15. this is beautiful.. the wood iron and figures.... and the collage is very thought provoking. There's so much of life to ponder and interpret. thank you so much for sharing this lovely inspiration.


  16. Interesting neutrals and buildings.

  17. Beautiful images! Love the buildings.


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