Donnerstag, 7. April 2016

Last autumn...

Shared with Good Fences

14 Kommentare:

  1. Das ist eine tolle Aufnahme, das Spiel mit Licht-Schatten und Farbe spricht mich sehr an !
    ♥lichst Jutta

  2. Hello, beautiful colors and lighting. The tree is gorgeous. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

  3. this is such a beautiful photo mascha! love the lighting and that tree!!

  4. wow! such amazing light and beautiful color! really remarkable!

  5. It is a very moody picture. Like a painting.

  6. Wonderful mist and beautiful colors in your fence shot! Excellent ~

    Wishing you peace in each day ~ ^_^

  7. Perfect fence shot. You did a marvelous job.

  8. I find the dispersion of light in this picture very beautiful.
    Nicely done, Mascha!
    Have a Happy Day!!
    Peace :)


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