Freitag, 15. April 2016

Friday's Hunt

Teresa from Eden Hills has invited me to join in her Fridays Hunt
(hope, I can stay trusty and continuos to all this lovely link parties - )

1. Starts with "P" - perfume

2. Weeks favorite is my white cyclamen, what smell so wonderful and stronger than all the others,
 pink and red cyclamen, what I have.

3. In motion is our steam train all the days. See it often, waiting by the barrier...

All three things have an different, but striking smell ;-)

4 Kommentare:

  1. I love your steam engine,but perhaps not the smoke

  2. I did not realize cyclamen had a smell. Great black and white too of the building.

  3. Thank you so much for joining in. I always enjoy your photography! The train images are wonderful. I think it would be a lot of fun to travel by train. The perfume image is beautiful. I didn't realize the different colors had differences in fragrance. Beautiful.

  4. Wow, I missed this Friday Hunt's visiting others - Beautiful take on the items, Masha! You're such a great photographer -love the train!


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