Freitag, 1. April 2016

Friday Five and books

Good morning,

it's time for Willy Nilly Friday Five with Tanya, Five on Friday with Amy,
Nancy's Random5Friday  and Cath's Friday Fun Favourites


This week was definitely too short, but there were some positive things.
We finally had a little sunshine and a few degrees warmer and already the first flowers come out.
On wednesday I've very enjoyed my gardening time.
Now it is cold and grey again, the spring takes time.


Yesterday was "Table-day", it's twice in a month.
A Charity org. collects the unsaleable foods from the markets and and hands out them for free.
Of course, you must at first submit a request and receive a permission pass. It's a meticulous (and humiliating) control of the economic situation - in Germany is ordered everything...
In the morning a few hours takes the queue with uncertain success. Often more people than foods.
But yesterday it was successful and I got something.
It's not all in the best condition, you have to sort out what is moldy, must the vegetable brush quickly, divide servings, cooking, freezing. But bread is good to freeze too and then always is some food there.
This day is always lost for other things and that makes the week shorter... but I'm glad and thankful for it.


At the book-fleamarket from our library I found the criminal nouvel "Wages of sin" by Penelope Williamson.
It's very exciting, interesting (New Orleans 1927) and well written. Usually I don't like such brutal stories.
So I was looking for a second book by P. Williamson "Mortal sins". It's stunning and fascinating.
I just read the last chapter and just is waiting another book for me:

Takashi Hiraide "The guest in the garden" (German title)

I read about this book in the blog by Riitta K (a beautiful blog!) 
and have ordered it and can't wait to begin...


My last picstorys you find here.


A quote for today:

Anyone who has a library and a garden wants for nothing.

- Cicero -

(I'm lucky that to have booth) 

Enjoy your weekend :-)

Shared with I heart macro  (Laura is back )

29 Kommentare:

  1. Mascha, I do hope you like the novel of Takashi Hiraide. It is sweet and slow, very japanese. I have to search for Penelope Williamson, thanks for the tip!
    Your photos are beautiful as always. Have a lovely weekend ♥

  2. Beautiful flowers. Enjoy your reading. I only have a mini library for my books. Have a great weekend!

  3. Garden and reading. I agree. They are things I couldn't live without.

  4. Die Collage ist absolut toll.
    LG susa

  5. Every week is too short, but your simply lovely flowers make the day a treat.

  6. What a wonderful idea, putting to use food that would be thrown out. I wish we had more of that in the U. S. Have a great week, Mascha.

  7. Hello Masza,
    Piękny post. Najbardziej podobają mi się zdjęcia kwiatów i końcowy kolaż.
    Tak, książki i ogród. Kiedy Cicero to powiedział miał absolutnie rację.
    Serdeczne pozdrowienia,

  8. Lovely post my friend. Thank you for sharing at R5F. xo

  9. Oh, yes a garden, no matter if just a window box and a book or two to read are riches indeed:)

  10. A beautiful garden and books, a great post.

  11. your quote is perfect - i want for nothing . . 9except, I can't seem to get my link up on Nancy's Blog today . . sigh . . )

  12. our county has a food bank and the local schools sometimes (usually around the holidays) will run food drives for it but it is a need year round that we forget. glad you found some things you were able to use and some great books! wonderful pictures! have a great weekend mascha!

  13. Such lovely photos you share with us! So good to visit your web page today.

  14. Such lovely photos you share with us! So good to visit your web page today.

  15. Hello, so happy you had some sunshine. Your new books look like good reading. Enjoy! Pat

  16. Enjoying ones garden and reading ... life is good! I haven't read anything by Penelope Williamson. Have a lovely weekend!

  17. The Guest in the Garden looks like a sweet book.

  18. I hope that you enjoy reading the books that you found, it is great when you are looking for something and you come across it isn't it, they are always treasures! Thank you for taking part in Five On Friday, I hope you have a great weekend! xx

  19. It's nice to get out and enjoy spring. Such pretty flowers. I love good books though sometimes I have a hard time finding the time to read them.

  20. It's awesome that leftover foods are passed out to those in need, but rather strained to see the bureaucratic way it is handled! Churches generally handle such things on a local level in the States. Love your choice of books...they sound good. And your! As always, beautiful! I particularly like the first.

  21. Your closeup floral images are beautiful....enjoy reading your books!

  22. I'm enjoying the idea and the photos of spring flowers! Don't the weeks fly by?

  23. Lovely photos and the book looks like something I would like if I could read in the language :-)
    Table Day sounds like a very good idea.

    1. These books are originally written in English (and T. Hiraide is translated) - I don't write about only-German books.

  24. Your flower images are stunning!

  25. A garden and a library! Yes!!

  26. Such a beautiful blue flower photo. I'm glad you were able to use some of the food that might be thrown away. We live in such a wasteful society. I'm very happy that I have a garden and a library, too.

  27. Hello Mascha
    Good news that you were able to find something nourishing at the "Table Day".
    We have food banks in all the cities and larger towns in New Zealand.
    In Supermarkets there are shopping trolleys and many people buy and donate basic non-perishable items to be included in food parcels for the needy.

    I will look for "The Guest in the Garden" at my library - the cover looks interesting and I love cats!
    Your Spring flower shots are lovely, I know how much you are looking forward to Spring!
    Take care

  28. Such exquisite tender blossoms dear Mascha. Thanks so much for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro ♥


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