Freitag, 22. April 2016

Friday's Hunt and Friday Greens

Starts with Q - I like the quietness of the forest

Weeks favorite are ramson leaves, they are a kind of wild garlic, grow in spring, you can eat the leaves at a sandwich or as salad or put them in a smoothie

At rest is this woman, enjoying the spring sun

Posted for Teresa's Friday's Hunt and Nicky Friday Greens

6 Kommentare:

  1. There's a song called "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic" . . that's how i feel about the way you share - every little thing seems to become magic in your care . . .

  2. very nice. Time for relaxing.
    best regards and happy weekend

  3. she sure doesn't look comfortable

  4. that woman certaily does not look comfortable but well captured for this meme. I aggree, a forest is a wonderful quiet place to walk. Have a lovely weekend.

  5. These are all wonderful images. I think I like your quiet forest image the best. It really does look peaceful. Thanks so much for joining in Friday's Hunt!

  6. Wonderful images, my fave is the first one!
    Thanks for sharing on the Friday Greens meme


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