Freitag, 22. April 2016

Friday Five and daily life

(Photo from my archive)

Good morning with a famous blue (even when the sky is grey today)

It's time to join again with Random 5 Friday, Willy Nilly Friday Five
and Five on Friday


I've cleaned up my working desk.
Making collages from magazine sites is a big fun and a big mess too.
You can not do anything else, when the table is full of snippets.
Now I have sorted everything in wallets and put it all away... (for a short time)


At the clean desk I finally could do some sewing things.
If you are wearing mostly vintage clothes, there is always to fix anything.


A cat is a big help.


I've jazzed up a few boring clothes with ribbons.
So I have something new for the season.

But I don't understand, why my ribbon-box is a perfect place to sleep...


And now the poetic part - лирический часть

For a long time, she flew only when she thought no one else was watching.

- storypeople -

Have a famous weekend with moments to fly :-)

23 Kommentare:

  1. Hope your weekend flies too. Lovely idea to update clothes with ribbons

  2. The blue hydrangea is amazing. I love your torn collages!

  3. I adore your kitty! I have 5 cats and they are always with me. Your cat with the ribbons is my favorite photo.

  4. Cats love to join in with craft work, don't they?

  5. very nice. I love the lovely cat, and the stuff is so wonderful.
    best regards

  6. The blue hydrangea is stunning! Your lovely kitty is so sweet and a big help too, i'm sure!
    enjoy your weekend!

  7. Oh I love your vintage clothes and it is a great thing if you can sew and repair yourself. Love you cute little cat helper. B

  8. i love your hydrangea!! i want to go get some geraniums to pot on the porch...we were having freezes here and there so i had waited a is fun seeing your working areas, you have such a pretty view for way to get a new wardrobe! thank you for linking mascha and have a great weekend :)

  9. Looks like you have a lot of creativity working at your place!

  10. Hello, it is a great idea to update the vintage clothing, gives it a whole new look. Your hydrangea is lovely. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  11. Love the embellishments on the vintage clothes, such a lovely idea.

  12. Don't you wish you could curl up most anyway and nap the way a cat does? It would be wonderful!

  13. I saw a lovely lady yesterday wearing a vintage shift - it was short yellow lace and she had leggings, perfect shoes and a cozy sweater - (because the weather was subject to rapid change yesterday . . i wished you were there to enjoy it it - because she caused me to think of you.

    Wowzer, that final photo made me shiver.

  14. Cats do love to help with things like sewing or knitting don't they? They also like nothing better than a box full of little things to play with or to sleep in. Have a lovely weekend:)

  15. Wonderful collage! Cats are just natural helpers. Mine are lots of help when they see the yarn come out! Love your idea of dressing up your clothing with fun tapes and ribbons. ... more playthings for the kitties, too! Happy Friday!

  16. Your cat is so adorable! They always seem to want to lay on whatever you are working on don't they. I think it is because they want to help or feel involved. I wanted to mention about your comment to me today, I think that your written English is very good for someone who doesn't speak it at all! You are doing very well!!! Thank you for joining Five On Friday again this week, I do so appreciate it and enjoy reading your posts. Hope you have a great weekend! xx

  17. Greetings dear Mascha. I love the way you embellished your clothes with the ribbon trim. They look great! But, most of all I so enjoyed seeing the pictures of your beautiful cat being curious. Cats are the most interesting pets. Wishing you a fabulous weekend and thanks for the kind words you left on my blog. Hugs, Pat

  18. Oh, you are a soul akin to myself! Hundreds of books! Me too! And your wonderful you are so organized, which I am trying to be! :-) And the sewing...once again one of my loves. Thank you for your sweet comments on my Five....yes, moving is such a HUGE endeavor, even if just moving things out of the way of the workmen. I don't envy you that either. Have an awesome week!

  19. Having a cat helper is always a good thing, don't know what I'd do without mine.

  20. Schön, wie Du bei Deiner Arbeit unterstützt wirst ;-)
    Allegra liebt Rechnungen-schreiben und Online-Banking am Küchentisch. Während Maus eher bei Internet-Bestellungen, beim Foto-sortieren und beim Bloggen hilfreich im Arm liegt …
    LG Silke

  21. It is so lovely to have a cat helper and a tidy desk for a fresh start.


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