Donnerstag, 7. April 2016

Fragile World

It’s a very fragile world, she told us, so walk carefully everywhere you go
& we promised to remember for as long as we could.

- storypeople -

Also shared with Express Your Creativity
(I would add the button, but it isn't working, cannot copy the graphic adress and cannot find a Html of the button - sorry, I'm not good in such things)

9 Kommentare:

  1. Ich trau mich kaum HALLO zu sagen und schreibe es deswegen hier ganz kurz und klein....
    herzlich DIE PIPPA, die Deine Posts einmalig findet.

  2. This style of yours is very interesting! Beautiful.

  3. Lovely Mascha! Thanks so much for sharing at OBW!!

  4. These compositions have a romantic I love.
    Saludos desde España.

  5. Great diary photos!Thanks for sharing with us in Our Beautiful World. AriadnefromGreece!


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