Simon Khorolskiy, USA - Warum?
Why’s the world
Trapped in a vicious circle?
The sunsets are now chocking
With the war’s gory flood?
Bleeds my heart.
Brother forced to kill brother,
Soldiers mournfully gather
Being the sons of one blood.
Christian souls
Once on fire, now stale,
Fell as victims in vain…
Coldness, apathy, strife.
Brothers doze,
Ravens fly overhead.
Oh, we need to repent
We have broken God’s heart.
Time to rise,
Joining forces in pleading
To protect our people
With a monolith wall.
Comes the day –
God will judge, the clock’s ticking,
Before Him all are equal,
And the circle He’ll break.
Trapped in a vicious circle?
The sunsets are now chocking
With the war’s gory flood?
Bleeds my heart.
Brother forced to kill brother,
Soldiers mournfully gather
Being the sons of one blood.
Christian souls
Once on fire, now stale,
Fell as victims in vain…
Coldness, apathy, strife.
Brothers doze,
Ravens fly overhead.
Oh, we need to repent
We have broken God’s heart.
Time to rise,
Joining forces in pleading
To protect our people
With a monolith wall.
Comes the day –
God will judge, the clock’s ticking,
Before Him all are equal,
And the circle He’ll break.
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