Dienstag, 25. April 2023




 Ich werde das ewige Leben haben - Simon & Marianna Khorolskiy

 To eternity tramping all evil I go
It’s a way of afflictions and sorrows
But my soul is warm, and my heart is aglow –
Faith in God is what makes me victorious.

I have learned what I shall do and what I shall not
What is evil to do, what is glorious,
On this earth I exist by the will of my Lord,
Faith in God is what makes me victorious.

Even when I encounter disasters and threats
Fears are vanishing, fading all worries
When I think of my God and His wondrous grace
Faith in Him makes me happy and joyous.

Overcoming temptations to heaven I go,
Words will fail to describe what my joy is,
Soul of mine is warm, and my heart is aglow
Faith in God is what makes me victorious.

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