Mittwoch, 30. März 2016

Smalltown graffiti...

Da war die Wand und der Junge
zusammen geschlagen
das Bild entfernt
so schnell denn sowas
gehört nicht
in eine
saubere Stadt

Und die Mutter holte ihn
aus dem Krankenhaus
kleine Schwester
verstand nichts
- - - 

Posted for Friends Meet Friends
(but the blog is deleted now)

Creek in march

Creek in march all seems
still sleeping only water
is mumbling in spring sun

Dienstag, 29. März 2016

Русская азбука в песнях - Russian ABC in songs

Letter number 12 is Л - L

Л is for лодка (lodka) - boat

The song I chose, I knew for many years under the title Новая лодка (Novaya Lodka) - The new boat.
As I searched it in the web, I found it under the title 
"В прибрежнoм колхозе" (V pribrezhnom Kolkhoze) 
 "At the coastal kooperative".

 Эту лодку строил я не как-нибудь:
Знаю, как высокий борт из дуба гнуть,
Мачты-хворостинки там я не крепил,
И не шил ей алых парусов-ветрил.

Мне мотор стучит, как сердце, тук-тук-тук,
Волны белой пеной за кормой бегут,
И плывут в той лодке трое рыбаков,
С морем породнившихся навек дружков.

Младшему по силе равных не сыскать,
Старший знает сети где и как спускать,
Третий паренёк наш - мастер песни петь,
Рыба, его слушая, заходит в сеть.

Каждого из нас в селе подруга ждёт,
Под вечор к причалу нас встречать идёт.
Только редко вижу мою зорьку я:
Знатная доярка, бригадир она.

Хороша она, да на язык остра:
Рыбицу неважную ловлю, мол, я,
"Больше проку от бурёнушек моих,
Чем от тощих камбал и ершей твоих".

В даль подуют ветры с южной стороны,
Гости будут в добрый час, и к нам - угри.
Стройные красавцы, как на подбор,
Явятся к тебе с поклоном прямо в двор.

Скоро и моё увидишь стадо ты,
Лошадь голосом что твоей мечты
Чистым серебром украшен их наряд,
Радугой узоры на спине горят.

Чистым серебром украшен их наряд,
Радугой узоры на спине горят...

(Вальтер Оякяэр - Павел Антонов)


This boat I did not build just so:
I know how oak boards to be bent
not just simply set the bold mast
and not sewed the red wind-defying sail

 For me the engine knocks, as heart: the tuk-tuk-tuk,
Waves of white foam running astern,
And swim with the boat three fishermen
Forever friends with the see they are.
The youngest don't find even stronger
Senior network knows where and how to lower,
the third guy is a master songs to thing
 Fishes listen and come all in the net...

Each of us in the village waiting for a friend,
By the night are going to the doc us meet.
 just my sunshine I see rarely
Responsible brigadier she is

She is good, but her tongue is sharp:
an insignificant fish I was fishing

I have of more benefit from - - - (??? )
 as from your skinny flatfishs and rockfishs.

From a distance, howling winds from the south
in an hour they will be here with us...

(the rest I can not translate literally,
I think it is the poetic description of a storm
Crests like slender silver horses,
decorated backs with rainbow  - or similar -
Russian and English are both foreign languages for me, not really learned ...)

(Valter Oyakyaer - Pavel Antonov)

Sings Georg Ots  (rec. 1950)

Written for Mrs. Nesbitts ABC Wednesday

Begin here

I'm here to build the future, he said & she looked up & said How about we start you on the present then? & he was fine with that as long as there was a chance to move up & years later, he finally understood why she smiled & let him jump right in.

- storypeople -

Ruby Tuesday - червоний вівторок

Shared with Ruby Tuesday Too

Montag, 28. März 2016

Die alten Linden in Osterwieck

An einem sehr kalten Märztag
stehen die alten Linden
in Osterwieck
noch tief in ihrem Schlaf
Ich bin froh
sie dort noch zu finden
nach so vielen Jahren
erinnernd der Zeit
als wir noch Kinder waren
ich wünsche mir sehr sie werden
noch viele Male grün
und ich hoffe ich rieche
bald noch einmal
im Regen ihr Blühn

On a very cold march-day
the old linden
in Osterwieck
are still deep
in their sleep
I'm happy
to find them still there
after so many years
remembering the time
of our childhood
I hope they will green
again and again
and I hope I will smell
their blossom in rain

Und hier noch eine sehr alte Osterkarte
weil ich immer eine farbliche Überleitung brauche
zum vorhergehenden Post
und weil sie irgendwie dazu paszt -


Sonntag, 27. März 2016

OBW 140 - Part

The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express.

- Francis Bacon -

KOLORY - monochromatycznie

Made for Art Piaskownica

Samstag, 26. März 2016

Happy Easter

Shared with Rosegarden Malevik

Future lives

Anybody can make up past lives, she said.
The real trick is to make up future lives & not forget you did it.

- storypeople -

Freitag, 25. März 2016

Friday Five and Easter

Good morning,

it's friday and time to join with Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday Five, Suzy Mae's Soulfood Friday 


Today is a silent friday, without bells, loud music and events.
It is in Germany a ban on dancing on this day.
We don't know the therm Good Friday, it is more a day of mourning.
Or silent joy...


I have my personal silent joy: Nancy is back in bloggerland.
It is amazing and often fail to grasp with words, which track foreign people left in us and why.


It's still very cold here, but the spring bulb flowers are out.
Yesterday I had the rare luck to could visit a small forest at the former inner-German border and see there blooming wild Leucojum vernum. A wonderful view!
Here are more photos of the place.


These railway tracks aren't used since the end of World War II  because of the division of Germany.


Related to this topic: on Easter Monday they show for the first one in our the TV movie "Monuments Men", which was partly filmed in our region.
It was at the movies a long time ago, but I'm not able to visit a cinema. 
Now at last I can see the movie.

And now: Happy blessed Easter :-)

Calculated risk

Are we your real children? they said & I said we had our pick of all the children in the world & we took a few home to try out & though we tried to return them later, it was more trouble than it was worth, so we kept them & loved them & taught them all the stuff they'd need to know when it came time for them to choose, so they wouldn't make the same mistakes we did & later I heard one of them say they didn't know about being a parent if it was as risky as all that.

- storypeople -

Shared with Paint Party Friday