Dienstag, 6. Februar 2018

Certain Choices

One day, you just decide to be certain (which is not the same as knowing everything).
Decide that what you know is exactly what you need to know
& then you start. Whatever it is.
Start & be certain you'll learn as you go.
People act like certainty is an illusion. It's not.
It's a choice & it changes your whole life.

-storypeople -

7 Kommentare:

  1. ...Masha, such wonderful collages and treasures of nature. It looks like spring may be right around the corner. Thanks for sharing, take care and stop back again.

  2. Thanks, Mascha, for choosing to share these with us at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2018/02/some-african-ceremonial-masks.html

  3. The fountain is wonderful. Enjoyed the collages, too.

  4. Mascha, splendid hibiscus and an attractive pond/fountain. Thanks for sharing.

  5. beautiful images and i love that fountain!

  6. Your photos & colors are always a perfect match <3

  7. Liebe Mascha,
    die Bilder und die Farben sind prächtig! Das mit dem Springbrunnen gefällt mir am meisten.
    Liebe Sonntagsgrüße


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