Freitag, 9. Februar 2018

Friday Five and a helleborus

Good morning,
it's friday again and time for Willy Nilly Friday Five


What should I say about my week?
Winter is not my time of the year.
Bad cold and icy streets make bike riding not cozy... 
concerns, healthy problems, insomnia and some other stuff.  Sigh!


On wednesday I had a nice walk in the snow, but I forgot my camera...


My sweetheart was last days in Berlin with his parents.
His father is in the hospital now.
We do not know how much longer he will live.
In february, most people die...


With my mom it goes round again.
Not good, but it goes.


When I'm here alone with the cat, I don't spend much time in the kitchen
 and so I had more free hours for creativity - yeah! 
That's the best time for me and I made some collages and paintings.

Have a nice and cozy weekend

9 Kommentare:

  1. ...Masha, I like your closeup view on life!

  2. ...Masha, I like your closeup view on life!

  3. wunderbare bilder!!
    ich hab in ilsenburg an dich gedacht! wir treffen uns demnächst bestimmt einmal! mail folgt.
    lg, mano

  4. Beautiful post! I'm not fond of winter either, but I'm less fond of summer when the temps and humidity are high. I keep reminding myself what summer is like and enjoy winter.

  5. Those are some neat micro shots of Hellebores. So, hellebores are already blooming there? I am sorry to hear about your sweetheart's father. My father also not doing well. Have a good weekend.

  6. Die Nahaufnahmen sind wunderschön!
    Ich wünsche Dir einen guten Schlaf liebe Mascha♥♥♥
    Liebe Grüße

  7. I love the close up photos of the flowers.

  8. Beautiful macro shots! I miss flowers. Looking forward to spring.

  9. Your Macro's are stunning! - So sorry about your sweethearts father not doing well. I agree "winter" is not a fun time. It's been pretty mild here but I'm still looking forward to Spring.


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