It was a strange dream, he said, & I don't
remember a thing except it kept my attention
the whole time.
- storypeople -
(collage work from journal-photos, not my own)
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Ein wenig bedrückend - genau richtig zum Zitat! Schönes Wochenende!
AntwortenLöschenInteresting images, thanks for sharing :)
AntwortenLöschenI've been having some strange dreams as well but they almost always involve food. This set has a real David Lynchian quality to it, M. Cool.
AntwortenLöschenEine alte Filiale
AntwortenLöschenHast Du dort gearbeitet?
Interessante lost Place Bilder
LG czoczo
Thank you very much Mascha for your nice words which make me very happy. First of all, if you want to access my texts I recommend the translator DeepL Translator (which I think is German) who is far superior to google translation. I have it in my toolbar and I'm very happy with it. If not, I want to tell you that I really appreciate your work and this last set of photos is astounding. It irresistibly reminds me of the world of an Austrian playwright, Ferdinand Schmalz, who wrote a play called "Der Thermale Widerstand", of which you can find different teasers on the web. Your photos evoke this universe of pipes, boiler room, in a striking way. I always like this way of making collages and the project that you pursue with talent. I'm happy to have discovered your blog
AntwortenLöschenReally nice collection of B&W images. My favorites are #'s 5 and 7. I think they're the strongest compositions. But all are very interesting and have such strong contrasts, shadows and light.
AntwortenLöschenGreat series. I love all the pipes, and the light is perfect.
AntwortenLöschenBeautiful series.