Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2018

Love is in the air

My collages, mixed with close ups of a famous flower bouquet.
I think, that's the best way to present my collage works.

11 Kommentare:

  1. is such an important part of life.

  2. Yes indeed - & so beautiful pale lilacs!

  3. Lovely post, thanks for sharing :)

  4. I love these romantic pictures, love is all we need...

  5. What beautiful collages! I love the designs and how you have layered the romantic images and papers - perfect 😁. Thanks for joining our Love is in the Air challenge over at Try it on Tuesday! J 😊

  6. Such lovely collages - all filled with love :D)

  7. Himmlisch schöne Collagen und Blumenfotos Mascha!
    Hab einen schönen Tag!
    Thank you for joining us at Try It On Tuesday! Susi

  8. Gorgeous collage pages. so many beautiful things to see. Thank you for sharing with us at Try it in Tuesdays.

  9. Beautiful collage pages with lots of lovely images.
    Thanks for sharing at TioT
    Avril xx

  10. So nice your collage pages and you made lovely flower photos.
    Dear Greetings


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