Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2018

Light switch

Someone told her today you need the dark
to appreciate the light & for a moment she tried
to believe this was true.
But then, she snapped out of it & decided
to hell with that & went off & appreciated
the light all on its own.

- storypeople -

Posted for Simply Neutrals,

5 Kommentare:

  1. Wundervolle Fotos und Collagen Mascha und die >storypeople-Poesie< ist wunderbar!

  2. The light in your photos here is so beautiful. And the gorgeous texture on the Hydrangea flowers is so beautifully highlighted by it. Thank you for sharing this beautiful light filled post with us at Simply Neutrals Mascha dear, xx

  3. Wow, the detail in the hydrangea leaves is gorgeous, Mascha. I think the dark does bring out the light. You have a bit of deep dark in every picture, I think. Thanks for sharing these interesting pictures and collages.

  4. I love your dreamlike creations, beautiful capture of light! The hydrangea photo is amazingly beautiful.



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