Montag, 12. Februar 2018

Come my love

Come my love,
pour your sacred fire into my darkness
And light up this house of life
For without your hearth to warm it
It is cold sleeping like the still dark frozen earth under the winter's snow

I wait for your radiant love to burst open
Every bud and blossom
That has not even contemplated life
You are the first ray of spring
You are the sun of inspiration
In my house and garden of being
Come my love

My surrender is that I love you man with a burning passion
My greatest fulfilment comes from my eternal lover
And he is nameless, faceless, formless and when you disappear
Into his goldenness I am at your feet in sweet sweet surrender
Come my love, golden and new
The sun of inspiration is burning inside of you

( a song by Peruquois)

14 Kommentare:

  1. Antworten
    1. ♥♥♥ Danke für's Zeigen bei Try It On Tuesday!
      Hab einen feinen Start in die neue Woche Mascha!


  2. Love your collages. They are very romantic! :) Erika

  3. Amazingly beautiful art/collages and photos!!!
    I love visiting here...thank you for sharing~

  4. Its Carnival Monday here in Trinidad and Tobago. Hot Hot vibes in the street
    Monday WRites is live Please link in

    much love...

  5. ...another hauntingly beautiful tune with lovely fotos! The white of winter and the white of spring. Thanks so much for sharing, take care and stop again.

  6. Beautiful collages. Love the words. The blooms make me long for spring.

  7. Mascha, blooms make me think Spring. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Beautiful collage pages. thank you for sharing them with us at Try it on Tuesdays,

  9. Lovely post & photos. Happy Valentine's Day Mascha ❤︎

  10. einw wundervoller Post

    Danke für's Mitmachen bei TRY IT ON TUSDAY


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