Sonntag, 25. Februar 2018

Bits of the world

Gathering up bits of the world & setting them out
in an order that her children can understand

- storypeople -

Made for Try it on Tuesday , My Sunday Best and Tuesday's Treasures

I'm still in a blog break, but I've played around a little, 
inspired by Try it on Tuesday's prompt "Vintage"

9 Kommentare:

  1. Wunderbare Collagen und Fotos liebe Mascha! Danke für's Verlinken zu Try It On Tuesday!
    Liebe Grüße und einen schönen Wochenstart für Dich schon mal!
    Liebe Grüße

  2. I adore your creativity...all are beautiful!!!

  3. What a wonderful project. Thank you for joining us at TioT.

  4. wunderschön! ich bin in den sessel von bild 3 verliebt!!
    liebe grüße von mano

  5. Mascha, dried Jack-o-lantern is a great photo. Thanks for sharing.

  6. ...bits and pieces are the treasures of the world. Thanks for sharing, take care and I hope to see you again.

  7. Wonderful collage pages. thank you for sharing with us at Try it on Tuesdays.

  8. Beautiful photos and delightful collages, Mascha. I hope you are feeling better.
    Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best Meme".


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