Montag, 13. Oktober 2014

My favorite toy

My favorite toy are plush animals.
It was not always so: in my childhood we did not have so many.
Only one small sheep had my mother sewn from an old coat ...
Only later some were sent to me from the western part of Germany.
As a young woman I had no more plush animals.
Only in a latter time with the homeless people they got back meaning to me.
Almost everyone I met had a small plush animal, to have something familiar.
And is it a substitute for tenderness, no longer dare the men to give a women... I got some animals as a gift - - -
Also this time has passed for me a long time ... but since I like and collect plush animals. It's such a especially memory...
I have any backpacks like animals and sometimes I show them a piece of the world and take them with me on a walk.
Here is my sheep, called Leo:

And here is Snoopy:

Posted for Spy Girls 52 Pick-me-up

2 Kommentare:

  1. Oh Schafe mag ich auch und hab auch einige als Kuscheltiere; immer noch!
    Ich weiß grad gar nicht wer mir besser gefällt; Leo oder Snoopy - sind beide goldig!

    Eine schöne Woche wünsche ich dir, liebe Grüße, Joana

  2. I love your plush animals and understand why you enjoy them. Many many people do...there's no real reason to give them up as adults! Your lovely clothing caught my eye also, as well as your labyrinth! I would enjoy having a labyrinth in my yard!


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