Sonntag, 11. August 2013

Cemetery Sunday

Ancient Songs

That was the day the ancient songs of blood & war spilled from a hole in the sky & there was a long moment as we listened & fell silent in our grief & then one by one, we stood tall & came together & began to sing of life & love & all that is good & true & I will never forget that day when the ancient songs died because there was no one in the world to sing them.
                                                                                                                        - storypeople -

Photos of a War Memorial on our cemetery

Shared with Cemetery Sunday

4 Kommentare:

  1. What an amazing war memorial. Wonderful post.

    Thank you for linking up with Cemetery Sunday

    Beneath Thy Feet

  2. Sehr berührend...

    Liebe Grüsse Dir


  3. Very nice.

  4. I really like this. it is quite a different war memorial and exudes sadness rather than remembrance.


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