Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2013

Church of St. Sylvester - altar room

From here something about:

The St. Sylvestri Church is located just a few dozen meters to the southwest of the town square of Wernigerode . It stands in the historically oldest part of the city. Thought there was already in the 9th Century at this location is a small house of worship . From this structure is today but nothing yet .At the beginning of the 13th Century, began at this point with the construction of an early Gothic basilica. This named after Pope Sylvester church was first mentioned in 1230 . It was converted to the Canons of St. Sylvestri in 1265 .Over the centuries the church has undergone numerous changes . The original bell tower was in the 18th Century demolished and replaced by a new one in half-timbered style with a Baroque dome . Other major restoration was done in 1881 and 1886. The Sylvestrikirche then received , inter alia, new aisles as well as their existing today tower in the style of Gothic Revival architecture .Also worth seeing is the inside of the church. Here you will find among others an altarpiece dating from around 1480 and a baroque organ , which was built around 1790. Other features of the temple are the two medieval church bells. The older of them dates back to 1297th

7 Kommentare:

  1. What a beautiful church. Happy Christmas Mascha

  2. what gorgeous Christmas decor. so lovely. thank you for sharing with us Masha. Merry Christmas. ( :

  3. «Louis» would very much like to see this church. He likes the baptismal font being in the aisle before the altar as it is by baptism that we enter our faith. This is a powerful visual reminder of that fact.

    «Louis» posted this Episcopal church in the Victorian village of Ferndale, California.

    1. In earlier centuries, the baptismal font in German churches were not before the altar, but in the entrance area.

  4. Lovely photos. I like the additional touches of greenery inside. Thank you for sharing! Merry Christmas!

  5. How lovely! Wishing you and yours a joyful Christmas.

  6. Gorgeous Church, from Belgium

    。❊ * 。❊ 。 ❊ _█_ ❊ 。 * ❊
    _Π_____ (•.•) * 5☆★☆★☆
    ❊ /______/~\ ( ♥ ) ❊ MERRY CHRISTMAS ❊
    |田 田 |門| ( ♥ ) HAPPY DAY❊


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