Freitag, 27. Dezember 2013

Random 5 Friday

The week is quickly passed to this Friday.
Ever : time flies faster and faster the older I get .
I find that a bit scary .

We have a beautiful Solstice celebrated together .

At Christmas I was alone , my love was with his parents (far away).
It is good when he is with them , because they are get older ... ( and at least one of us has beautiful memories of Christmas of Childhood - )
For me, being alone has a lot of positives , I can enjoy it and have done . There is no lack for me.

Since yesterday I am 54 years old, but I do not feel that way. 
Somehow or younger timeless in a way . Whether that's good, I do not know. 
I probably should remember that two-thirds of life are over more ... (?)
It was not such a good year , with diseases (not just for me) and a lot got in the way and we could not do much of what we had planned (but that often does ) ...
I will not take any good intentions that I can not keep (who can do it? ) ... but some things I want to do differently. Conscious living more good life to have in time. Difficult to explain to ...
I still do not know how to be the year until the next birthday , but I'm looking forward to seeing many beautiful things . Certainly nice will be.
I'm curious to what now hidden behind a fog.

My love gave me a bilingual book with Russian poetry. This is a great pleasure for me.
I want to read more Russian again . Since now I'm learning English ... I hardly get around to .
Also my blog, which was a German -Russian blog earlier , has now become an English blog.
But I have thereby gained contacts for . me are valuable. And it is interesting to read how people live anywhere else in the world, not in books, but personally written in blogs
And it always makes me fun and challenge of learning something new ( I wish I had one at that 100 years before me)

VI (Bonustrack)
Last night I was extremely lucky. I've got from an unknown user on the internet my best birthday gift, a very special song for me. 
 The history to this is here

9 Kommentare:

  1. We are almost the same age Mascha -- I will be 54 in March next year (coming too soon!) As you learn English, I am deciding whether to start learning German. Am I too old for that? Do I have the time? I am in awe of you learning English at this point in your life. Perhaps you will help me to decide. xo

  2. being able to see how and where other people live is one of my very favorite parts of blogging too.

  3. We had our big Christmas celebration on Christmas Eve this year so I was alone on Christmas Day but most of it was spent cleaning up from the day before! :) :)

  4. Happy to see you and meet you on the Random 5 . . .

  5. Although I don't speak Russian, the song cast a soothing effect on me.
    I, at almost 74, believe that age is only a number. However, I know that I am blessed that I am able to walk on my own because I have friends who have difficulty doing that. You are an amazing YOUNG woman learning so many languages, that in itself is a gift. So keep up the blogging, please!
    Happy 3rd day of Christmas. and a Happy New Year to you and your husband! Oh, BTW, he is blessed because of your unselfish attitude about his being away right now.

    1. The song is Ukrainian Baptists song "I will serve you" (Jesus)
      Oh yes, we had a wonderful day, thanks to our guest's much beauty could see what else we alone can not achieve (without a car) and that is a rare and precious luck.
      For both of us it is quite normal to leave the other all freedom he needs in each case, because then we are feeling well -

  6. Thanks for lovely comments :-)
    Today I am only now back online. We had a guest and drove with him by car to a near-city, looked at a wonderful old cemetery. That was a nice trip and now I have to sort a lot of great photos ...

  7. Liebe Mascha,
    ich wünsche Dir, von ganzem Herzen, alles alles Liebe, nachträglich, zu Deinem Geburtstag!!!
    "Möge die Sonne warm Dein Gesicht bescheinen, mögen Frieden und Freude Deine Welt segnen und mögen alle Jahreszeiten des Lebens Dir und den Deinigen das Beste geben."(Irische Segenswünsche)
    Sollen Dich Dein warmes Herz, Dein liebevoller Geist und ein heller Stern durch das nächste Lebensjahr tragen!!!
    Mich beglückt es sehr, Dich und Deinen wundervollen Blog, in den Weiten des Internets, gefunden zu haben. Ich empfinde es als eine große Bereicherung meines Seins und dafür danke ich Dir, ebenso wie für Deine lieben Kommentare und das wunderschöne georgische Weihnachtslied!!! Es gefällt mir sehr!
    Ich wünsche Dir eine gute Nacht und ein ganz wundervolles, glückliches, gesundes und gesegnetes neues Jahr!!!
    Alles Liebe,

  8. Happy belated birthday! I hope 2014 brings you much happiness and good health!


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