Montag, 9. Dezember 2013

The pavement and I...

Looking down at your feet! is the theme by Inspiration Avenue

I'm not on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, I do not know this fad.
But by chance I made this photo yesterday, down at myself.
Because the pavement was so beautiful ...

8 Kommentare:

  1. Great boots, as well! Loved this challenge!

  2. What a coincidence! A very interesting photo, the pavement IS beautiful!

  3. Lovely colours, both you and the stones! Facebook has its place for me, but I don't do the others either. :)

  4. nice shot- I love the contrast of colors and that yes, pretty sidewalk!

  5. I do like the colour of your long skirt against the gray of the stones. I too am not on Facebook. Almost everyone I know is on Facebook and they waste a lot of time there. Have a wonderful holiday! Merry Christmas.

  6. How wonderful to live in a place where even the pavement is beautiful...great shot.

  7. Und nicht nur das Pflaster ist schoen, sondern Dein Rock auch! Tolle Farben!


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