Sonntag, 29. Dezember 2013

Sunday's Picture

16 Kommentare:

  1. I do hope it's not one of those weeping angels from Dr Who!!
    Thanks for visiting already :)
    Happy New Year x
    (no. 26 on list)

  2. Lovely light in this picture; lucky you having sun, I feel starved of it this week.

  3. Memories of The Devil Wears Prada's first album!

  4. They scare me! Thanks Doctor Who! Whatever you do DON'T BLINK! :p

  5. Something rather magical about these

  6. I love this, great statue

    Thank you for linking up

  7. What a lovely photo - although it does look like one of those creepy statues from Dr Who

  8. gorgeous; but don't blink!

  9. Who is Mr. Who?????!
    I don't know... -

  10. What a pretty angel. This is perfect for this Holiday season. Wishing you a wonderful new year!


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