Sylvestrikirche in Wernigerode, Germany
(Photo was taken last year)
Shared with InSPIREd Sunday
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That looks like a charming place to get out of the snow. Lovely.
AntwortenLöschenoh, i love the snow. so clean & quiet looking. ( :
AntwortenLöschenA beautiful winter post card scene!
AntwortenLöschen«Louis» posted a church near the Pacific Ocean that dates from 1867.
So beautifully Christmassy, I don't need all the bought bling , just snow, a tree and some nuts apples and berries
AntwortenLöschenOh yes, natural Christmas is the most beautiful, only that with the snow works for us in Germany rare in this time ...
LöschenSchoen! (no unmlaut, sorry).
AntwortenLöschenVery nice, like to visit that one