Sonntag, 1. Dezember 2013


How do you know? she said & the answers
fell like feathers, or the first snowflakes of November,
light & without words.
I looked in her eyes & smiled.
You just know, I said.

- storypeople -

5 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful hat with your furry coat and great red bag - gorgeous, contemplative post, Mascha. (I also enjoyed your snowballs-on-the-roof a little while ago!)

  2. I love how your photos go from distant to close-up, and the varied views of you and your gorgeous hat in the process. Thank you so much for linking up with Hat Attack.

  3. These are beautiful pictures! Maybe a little bigger, there's so much rich color and texture to see. I love the red bag against the moss. Gorgeous hat!

    blue hue wonderland

  4. Dein Hut steht dir sehr gut!


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