Sonntag, 8. Dezember 2013

Church of St. Sylvester - today...

Wernigerode, Germany

Shared with InSPIREd Sunday

8 Kommentare:

  1. «Louis» would like to see the interior of this church.
    He posted this church from the 19th century in the Victorian village of Ferndale, California.

    1. Okay, when it is open, I will make photos, in 2 or 3 weeks will show there and linking.

  2. gorgeous windows & arches. beautiful. ( :

  3. Macha - this is wonderful. I love the details on the doors. Looking forward to your interior pics.

  4. Great looking place - looks huge? I bet the light inside is impressive.

  5. stunning place with a uniqueness which seems to be normal for all things Germany!


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