Sonntag, 22. Februar 2015

Naher Lenz - Incoming spring

Zu Füszen den Reif
doch oben Blau spüren die
Bäume nahen Lenz

17 Kommentare:

  1. Autumn has started early here, so Spring must be on its way to you! Don't the trees look lovely in the light with bare branches. xo Jazzy Jack

  2. Liebe Mascha, was für schöne Vorfrühlingsbäume, so im Licht, so ganz in Erwartung... Danke dir sehr, du treue Baumfreundin! Herzlichen Gruß Ghislana

  3. No feeling is as beautiful as the thought thst spring is on its way. How lovely these views are.

  4. So lovely, I see much hope for spring arriving through your photos!

  5. absolutely gorgeous, thanks for sharing; thank you for liknikg in at my Sunday Lime

    much love...

  6. Wunderschöne Fotos! Da hätte man gleich Lust auf einen Spaziergang!

  7. Lovely series.
    Thanks for sharing at

  8. Such beautiful photographs! I can't wait for spring. Have a wonderful day!

  9. What a glorious and beautiful sight! Spring is on her way.... Thank you, my dear, for sharing at ROI.

  10. Greetings and Salutations from Illinois! We have ice, snow, below zero weather nightly lately but your photos gives me the promise that Spring is just around the corner. Thank you. Your images are lovely.
    JM, IL-U.S.A.

  11. I'm sure the trees are thrilled that spring is on the way!

  12. Lovely haiku and gorgeous Spring like photography!

    Happy Weekend,
    artmusedog and carol

  13. Yes! You can feel spring bursting from these photos, such vibrant life rising to kiss the sky!

  14. Beautiful series of trees meeting the sky and haiku as well Mascha… yes it looks as if spring is on its way to you.

  15. such a beautiful merging of the arrival of spring. i love when life is so charged with beauty you can not tell where the horizon ends and the sky begins.
    thank you for sharing this marriage of beauty and light.


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