Dienstag, 10. Februar 2015

Wordless - без слов -

8 Kommentare:

  1. Interesting images, they give you something to think about :)
    Have a wonderful week!

  2. Beautiful, thoughtful photos - love the bright green and different shades. A creative idea. Popping over via #createwithjoy from me at http://detoutcoeurlimousin.blogspot.fr/2015/02/snow-trees-flowers-few-cows.html

  3. My favorite are those plants clinging to the wall. They are pretty =)

  4. Neat rock fence and I like how the building seems to be built in to the wall. Pretty red ivy too..I think that is ivy?

  5. Preciosas fotografias de la hiedra...
    Precious photographs of Ivy



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