Sonntag, 22. Februar 2015

Circles around us

The circle is a magic thing
You don't know where it ends where it begins
It's the purest and perfectest form
that you can always find...
We ourselves are part of circles
around and above us
and we are living
in the circle
of our own

Thank you, Our Beautiful World,
for the weekly promts.
I always enjoy the little meditation
on my sunday morning.

A circle-song:

And the great Joni Mitchell with " The circle game"

15 Kommentare:

  1. Ah, so magical! I think I will take this theme and do some photos on it :-) xo Jazzy Jack

  2. Circles are special, aren't they? You found many among your photos!
    I bet you love fairy rings (circles of toadstools/mushrooms) that spring up quite quickly, as if by magic.
    I do!
    Blessings, Mascha.

  3. So very true, and I know today for sure, I'll notice every single circle that I meet, and I remember this post!

  4. i too feel my life is enhanced by the magic of circles; have a good week; i am happy you dropped in at my Sunday Lime

    much love...

  5. You have some lovely circles Mascha! I'm especially liking the first stone one, it's beautiful! :)

  6. Dear Mascha,
    WOW!!! What a wonderful series of circle objects!
    I wish you a nice tuesday

    Thanks if you visit my blog

  7. Dear Mascha, so many Pictures with circles, wonderful!

  8. Hi Mascha, wow what fabulous 'circle' photos - all wonderful aspects we can see about us in everyday life. Thanks for sharing them with Our Beautiful World.

  9. cool shots especiallyt he door!

  10. Das ist eine wundervolle Fotoserie. Kreise sind wirklich fast überall zu finden, man muss nur genau hinsehen - so wie du.
    Liebe Grüße

  11. I always love seeing your view on the things around us :) Another beautiful post, sweet friend. Thanks for sharing at ROI. Hugs!

  12. Großartige .... Runde .... Impressionen und ich liebe den Song von Joni Mitchell 😊 .... Eine unvergessliche Stimme!
    Hab' eine schöne Restwoche, morgen ist ja schon wieder Freitag und das Wochenende in Sicht.
    Mit sonnigen Grüßen, Heidrun

  13. Magical reflections and photos! Love the song, it is so beautiful.

  14. Wonderful card! Beautiful colours!! Thanks so much for playing along at CCCB!!


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