Sonntag, 8. Februar 2015

The big steam...

(Harz Narrow Gauge Railway in Wernigerode, Germany)

29 Kommentare:

  1. What a lovely sequence of shots and a great capture of the steam train. Love that beautiful blue sky too.

  2. The back lighting totally made this, and the blue sky! Bravo! Xo Jazzy Jack

  3. You photographed the steam very well!!

  4. What an interesting photo series, it's such a strange idea to see a steam train drive through the centre of a modern town.

  5. I love trains and what fun this series is .... follow the steam!!!!!

  6. I love pictures from Germany. I have never been there. Thanks for bringing the train to me in the United States so I can enjoy it.

  7. Wow what an amazing sight, great photos

    Thank you for linking up

  8. Wow! I love that train but that is a lot of steam.
    Happy Sunday!

  9. The husband of a friend of mine is mad for all trains. He'd love to have been there to see this one, Maschas! It's rather fun to see it traveling right through the town streets.


  10. The smoke billowing out against the blue sky is so striking. Great shots!

  11. How beautiful that is, and what a delight to stop and watch as it rolls on by!

  12. Those old locomotives are fun, if a bit smoky.

  13. Lovely fluffy steam! #mysundayphoto

  14. That's amazing; quite surreal to see this zoom pass your car I'd imagine. And I bet it's quite noisy but beautiful to watch all that steam fluffing and foaming above your head

  15. I see such a scene almost every day on my way with the bicycl ... just have not always the camera with me and air and light areoften not so nice.
    There are days when it pushes down the gray smoke and all the people are fogged ...

  16. I love steam trains. Remember travelling in India once on an overnight train. I was so hot I opened the window. On awakening the next morning everywhere including my face was covered in a thin film of soot particles!

  17. Very nice pictures. I am sure it's a good feeling to watch them in person and see how they move along.
    Happy WW

  18. Love Germany! My daughter married a German and lives there. Will be visiting in April! Visiting from Wordless Wed.

  19. Eine alte Dampflock.. wie cool!
    Liebe Grüße

  20. WOW!! My daughter would love this!!

  21. I'd love to see a steam engine again. Great shots!

  22. Awesome find! We have a steam train in town this weekend and I am hoping to get a photo of it when it heads out tomorrow.

  23. Wow cool captures, wonderfull trein shot Greeting from Belgium ,have a happy weekend Valentine 's Day.

  24. An der Kreuzung stand ich im letzten Herbst auch ganz zufällig mal ;-) Das ist wirklich witzig, wenn der Zug dort die Straße kreuzt. Und in diesem Jahr komme ich hoffentlich noch häufiger in die Gegend …
    LG Silke


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