Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2015

The backside of our cemetery

Last Friday we had a famous sunshine after the cold night and I made a walk through the nearby forest.
On my way home I passed the backside of the cemetery, which is located on the edge of the forest.
It has a high chain-link fence (very faintly visible on the first image), so the deers do not jump over it and eat the flowers from the graves.
Here are just a few graves at the moment, most are on the front, but it is a very beautiful terraced layout and the light was so wonderful as rare and so I made many photos again.
Here are some of them.

15 Kommentare:

  1. Lovely captures of the sunlight and forest.. Pretty fence scenes.. Have a happy day!

  2. My favourite is the second one :)
    But they are all beautiful :))
    Have a fine day

  3. We see those high fences often in Texas to keep deer either on the property (for hunting) or keep them off to protect whatever is inside. Loved the shadows, but am a bit mystified by the boxes?

  4. Ahh, the golden rays of sunshine falling across the cemetery, quite a lovely atmosphere you captured.

  5. Absolut tolle Bilder aus dem Wald. Ich mag es wie die Sonne durch die Bäume strahlt.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  6. love the tall trees and light streaming through! the terraced area is beautiful, too. the headstones in piles was interesting, though. were graves moved?

  7. These photos are wonderful Mascha, very peaceful looking and the lighting is incredible. You caught it beautifully.

  8. High fences to keep out the deer makes sense. Your photos are wonderful. Photos #3 and #4 are especially nice.

  9. Wow, the lighting is wonderful. Great that you were there to capture these moments in time.

  10. Lighting in wonderful in these shots and great fences as well.

  11. Lovely forest shots. Tis sad to see tombstones piled though.

  12. I love those backlight shots. In winter the sun is so low that you have more hours to grab it. Well done.

  13. Schoenes Licht, und die terrassenartige Anlage gefaellt mir auch. Sind das alles alte Grabsteine, die da rumliegen?

    1. Most are no grave stones, but mounts for installation of graves or stairs (like in the photo). So on the hillside graves must be well secured and if they make a part of the cemetery new again, the old stones are placed here and reused later.
      Old grave stones gets the stone worker in order to label new. That's recycling...

  14. Interesting cemetery design. So lovely the burst of light in the first few photos.


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