Sonntag, 1. Februar 2015

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I see you doubt the parts of you
that love the world so much
you wonder if you’ll ever
be able to show it
I want to take your face in
my hands & say, You who love
the world so much?
That’s what you are here to do.

- storypeople -

(a stroll through the cemetery in Wernigerode, Germany)

11 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful photos. The birch tree lined with giant ivy, speaks to me, as it reminds me of my native Canada.

    Happy Sunlit Sunday!


  2. Beautiful stroll! The sculpture is amazing.

  3. very beautiful photos, I like the feeling in every very much, I hope we soon are without snow too. take care Jaana

  4. Lovely sunlit photos. That statue is so intriguing. I enjoy strolling through old cemeteries...

  5. Winter sun is delicate and oh, so beautiful. Wonderful photos.

  6. Great shots. .What a fascinating statue!

  7. A unique and interesting post. Nice seeing something different.

  8. What a fascinating sculpture, with the greenery growing over it!


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