Sonntag, 15. Februar 2015

What light through yonder window breaks?

There is a perfectly still moment right before dawn, when the sun gathers itself & then steps into the dark world & everything is so filled with light that any doubts from that long night are barely a memory. It is the way of all things that the night ends & the light returns. The light always returns....

- storypeople -

(photographed in the Castle-museum Wernigerode, Germany)

Shared with Our Beautiful World, Whimsical Windows, Delirious Doors! 
Create with Joy, Crafty Spices

11 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful quote and I like how you've illustrated it.

  2. Beautiful all! I especially like that wonderful blue window seat, illuminated so nicely. Wow! Great post :)

  3. Attractive blue day bed. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Such perfect light and exquisite setting!

  5. Beautiful serene photo I like the caption too :-)

  6. I always look forward to seeing your photos! Thanks so much for sharing your talent and your world with us at OBW!!

  7. Lovely pictures, I really like when one captures this natural effect.

  8. super Photos zum Thema! (ziemlich düster innen!) Danke fürs mitmachen bei "OBW"

  9. Mascha, your photos and words took my breath away, especially the first one - beautiful. Thanks for sharing with OBW


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