Freitag, 6. Februar 2015

Friday Five and Tu B'Shevat


In this week we had snow. But I had not the energy to stroll through my town and take pictures. Only a few I made...


In the first photo is the sculpture of  the last lantern man.
By 1970 we had gas lamps in the town and every evening he rode his bike through the entire town and lit all lanterns.
We have often seen him as a child and had even made a little song ...
He went back in the morning and put out the lights. That was his job.


My health is still very poor.
The more than 15 months lasting insomnia has intensified further and gives me a lot of problems.
In this situation, it is very difficult to regenerate and resist to get fit after surgery and infection.
In addition to blogging, I can not do very much in the day ...


All the more so because we had no holidays at Christmas and New Year ... we deicided to celebrat Tu B'Schwat. The New Year for Trees.
Of course, we know too little of the traditions in order to be strictly observed and in our region we cannot plant trees in this season.
But can we adapt the idea and make our own festival. Only for ourselves.
Because we haven't people to celebrate with them ...
We have traditionally eaten olives and pears as the fruits of our region.
And we have gratefully thought of all the trees, because they all are friendly and helpful for us.
Some give fruits, the other shade, they serve our enjoyment and relaxation in the woods ... they keep the water in the soil, so that no desert formed. They clean the air we breathe ..
This Jewish holiday is a good way of mindfulness to the trees.

 I had too little force to go in the forest ... and so we made the cherry tree in the garden to our center of attention and gratitude.
At dusk we lit the lights ... the snow lay on, but they burned almost all for several hours in the dark.
It was very nice and we want to celebrate it every year.
This is often with such things: they grow with each passing year and stay to our own lives more and more.
They make us rich.


Über Tu BiSchewat in  Deutsch
About Tu B'Shevat  in English and here is a blog post about.

Have a great weekend all.

Shared with Willy Nilly Friday Five

PS: ich habe gerade die Aktion der Wilden Gartenecken bei Ghislana entdeckt und will jetzt mal noch nachträglich dies Post verlinken. Aus meinem Garten.
Hatte fast überlegt, es bei "Mein Freund der Baum" noch unterzubringen... aber ich war irgendwie zu krank dazu und nicht in der Lage, hier noch mehr zu schreiben (da die meisten Leser bei mir aus dem nicht-deutschen Raum kommen, schreibe ich ja fast nur nocgh Englisch...

Da bei uns durch Unglücksfälle und Krankheit die Weihnachts-Neujahrs-und sonstigen Feiertage der letzten Zeit ausgefallen waren, beschlossen wir spontan, Tu B'Shevat zu feiern, das jüdische Neujahrsfest der Bäume. Infos dazu sind oben schon verlinkt.
Natürlich können wir nicht Traditionen  einhalten, von denen wir zu wenig wissen oder die in unserer Region auch nicht funktionierren, wie z.B. um diese Jahreszeit Bäume zu pflanzen. Das geht besser in Israel...
Aber wir feiern Feste oft auf unsere ganz eigene Art und ich finde, es ist ein schöner Anlasz, den Bäumen Aufmerksamkeit und Dankbarkeit zu erweisen. Sich vor Augen zu führen, was sie alles fur uns "tun" und um wieviel ärmer wir ohne sie wären.
Das Fest beginnt mit der Dämmerung. Und nach einem symbolischen Mahl mit einheimischen und traditionellen Früchten (Birnen und Oliven) haben wir uns stellvertretend im Garten beim Kirschbaum bedankt für die "Arbeit" und das segensreiche Dasein aller Bäume.
Zu mehr war ich gesundheitl. nicht in der Lage... aber ich stelle mir gut vor, nächstes Jahr dazu auch weiter rauszugehn.
Und es war sehr schön in der Dunkelheit mit dem Lichterkreis.

13 Kommentare:

  1. No, no, Mascha, come back )) Your photos are very cool ) Please, return it to КафеСкрапоМама ))
    I`m sorry I scared you. All is well )) The banner is just a picture. If you cann`t use it that`s okey. I have only told you how it works in our blog.
    We all are waiting for you and your photo )

    1. If you dont come back, authors of КафеСкрапоМама will eat me ))

  2. The statue of the lamp lighter is wonderful. Oh I wish I had a pear about now, maybe a pair of pears. Love the shots of "The Ring of Fire." Take care. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. I like the idea of celebrating trees. We should be very grateful that they help clean the air and release oxygen for us to breathe. We have a day in April called Arbour Day, a good time of year to plant trees here in Canada.

  4. i love the photos, the lantern man is really neat and i love the celebration of trees! i also love olives, yum! i like how you lit candles around the tree, very pretty! kitty seems to like it too! continue to get better! thank you for linking and have a great weekend :)

    1. The cat wanted to climb up the tree. She was very confused later on the burning lights

  5. Mascha, I really hope you are feeling better soon, it's so hard to not be able to sleep to renew your energy. Have a restful weekend.

  6. Your new rituals and celebrations are so creative, spiritual, and heartwarming. You're inspiring me. I love the photos of the ring of candlelight around the tree...and good to see your kitty is doing well too!

    1. Glad inspiring you :-)
      It's not my kitty, she is the neighbors cat, Visit us every day.
      My cat is more black. Came later and was surprised about the lights...

    2. What was I thinking? I KNEW that was not your cat! :-)

    3. But she feels herself like my cat ;-)

  7. I am so sorry that you still are not feeling good. I hope you feel better soon.

  8. Oh I really liked your Lantern Man photo and how he would light all the lanterns. That sounds so romantic. So very sorry to hear you are still not feeling well. It is not fun not having much energy.
    What a neat idea to have your own celebration. The candles look so pretty around the tree and I loved seeing the sweet kitty.


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