Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2015

Ivy at the gate...

Thousands of children already went through the little gate.
The ivy grows there, since I can remember and I've always liked this archway.
The school was opened in 1909 and it is still in use today.
(The pictures made on a sunday)

Shared with Good Fences

12 Kommentare:

  1. What a pretty fence, I like the design! Have a happy day!

  2. Feine Schule, schön, dass es sie noch gibt :)
    Hab noch einen schönen Tag

  3. Beautiful shots of the fencing, Mascha. That school really has some history, and it would be interesting to write a story about some of the children.

  4. a fine looking place with beautiful fencing and entrance! thanks for sharing it and i hope it serves many generations to come.

  5. oh, my, Mascha, this school is such a beautiful building! No school I ever attended was this attractive. Too many of our schools have torn down in order to build really ugly ones in their place.

  6. Gorgeous architecture -- imagine going to school there. Awesome!

  7. Very pretty fence, lovely place and sky,greeting from Belgium.

  8. That is one mighty wall! Your photos are most lovely where you've captured the sunlight, very pretty.

  9. Such a lovely house, wall and gate! great photos!


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