Freitag, 27. Februar 2015

Sitting and reading...

My most beloved job in the garden is sitting and reading.
Eagerly I await the time when this will be possible.
Spend lazy afternoons in the garden ...
And if then comes one of the cats, it's perfect.

For now, however, it looks more like this and I'm busy at work, cut up old dry stuff.
Thus, the green can grow again.
I like all works in the garden and don't see it as work, but as a meditative doing.


It is a pleasure to be on sunny afternoons in the garden and I enjoy every ray of sunshine.

16 Kommentare:

  1. visst är det härligt att bara sitta och njuta i trädgården
    ha en fin dag

  2. What a beautiful garden -- so cozy for reading!

  3. Love your pictures.

    Have a nice weekend

  4. A great series! Do I look forwards to this...
    And yes, garden "work" is meditation.

  5. Nice pictures, and it lookes you really enjoy your garden, the work is also enjoyable. Have a very nice weekend! Marika

  6. That sounds like a lovely way to spend an afternoon. Hopefully spring arrives soon!

  7. I suppose one must work in the garden to create a haven for sitting and reading. Happy gardening and have a wonderful week. I am joining you at Our World Tuesday.

  8. I missed Our world Tuesday by 3 minutes entry. it was closed. So I still kept it in my blog. Last summer take I did.

    Your garden is so perfect for summer reads. Hard work for getting garden clean. So worth it though.

  9. If I had a garden as beautiful as yours, I 'd be happily spending my free time there, like you, reading a good book.

  10. It's like I could feel the sunshine too, looking at your photos. And, it's night time for me right now.
    Take 25 to Hollister

  11. I love to do that dream as well. I've experienced that for sometime in New Zealand, but here in the tropics it is more difficult to stay outside in the garden. That is only possible until 8:00 am or it will be already hot and very humid.

  12. Enjoyed sitting in your garden for a spell. We can dream can't we? Nice photos.
    JM, IL-U.S.A.

  13. So long since I spent some time reading outdoors. Your lovely photos remind me of an almost forgotten pleasure. I need to change.


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