Samstag, 21. Februar 2015

Quiet Prayer

As long as the sun shall rise goes the old lovers vow.
But we are children of a scientific age & have no time for poetry.
Still, I offer a quiet prayer of thanks for the sunlight each time I see your face.

- storypeople -

29 Kommentare:

  1. so very peaceful....these are lovely photographs.

  2. There's poetry in your photos!

  3. I love the lighting in the first shot!

  4. The sunshine is so beautiful over the GREEN grass. ;)

  5. Ahhh! Lovely! I do love your Storypeople posts :-) xo Jazzy Jack

  6. Yes!!! For me, your blog posts are a bit of promise, beauty and light. thank you,

  7. As usual, the photos and the words are a treat! Thank you for sharing.

  8. What a pretty patch of your neck of the woods, awaiting the light and hope of a new day.

    Visiting via Sunlit Sunday, wishing you a lovely Sunday!


  9. Such pretty, misty light in the first photo and lovely mellow light in the second. Gorgeous photos.

  10. There is indeed a lovely, soothing atmosphere in this post!
    Beautiful photos and elevating words.
    Thank you & Have a happy and sunny Sunday!

  11. Noch werfen Bäume lange Schatten .
    die Beleuchtung macht eine sehr romantische Stimmung, ähnlich wie bei meinem Morgenspaziergang.
    Einen schönen Sonntag noch.

  12. It is indeed quiet! Love the serenity here =) #mysundayphoto

  13. This looks like early morning... Gorgeous ... magic in the village!

  14. These photos are so calming and peaceful

    Thank you for linking up

  15. Beautiful pictures, lovely light and shadows.

  16. Very, very pretty -- the environs, the light and the photographs.
    I bet it was a cold morning. :)

  17. We share the same blue sky, but my green grass will be quite some time down the road. I would like to go for walk in the area you show in your photos, Mascha.


  18. The first shot is my favourite!! I love the trace of mist in the distance!

  19. I have seen many bright sunlit, slightly misty mornings and I am grateful for each day and each ray of sunlight. Science doesn't have to lead us away from Nature as without Nature there would be no science. We are better people if we keep our lives centered on our roots ... on what Nature created and we participate in. This is a lovely post, Mascha, full of feeling and meaning ... Thank you

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  20. Inviting and peaceful♪

  21. Beautiful, peaceful, serene... lovely words too! xxx

  22. sunlight on greenery, how wonderful. :)

  23. Always grateful for a new day... Blessed more when the day is filled with sunshine. Your photographs are poetry...serenity. Smiles...Susan


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